In the contestants weekly report, we asked each of them to share their favorite way to get exercise throughout the day.
"To get off my chair and walk. I was being hustled around the school Thursday night for Literacy Night and didn't feel winded. Yahoo!" - Ruth Peters, Peruvian Park Elementary
"My favorite thing to do is to get up early and go to the gym. If I try and put it off until after work, something invariably happens that makes it impossible for me to go." - Christy Waddell, Butler Elementary
"When I walk the halls, I try to walk briskly and take the long routes - unless I have an emergency or need to get somewhere quickly. When I sit at my desk, I tighten and release groups of muscles, or move a foot in circles." Karen Chatterton, Cottonwood Elementary
"I enjoy going to my basement and getting on the elliptical or treadmill and listen to my music or put on a movie to watch." - Brent Shaw, Canyon View Elementary
"I love getting out on the bike, but the weather has been less than ideal, and my spin class just finished up for the season. I also enjoy hiking, running, downhill skiing, backcountry skiing and skate skiing." - John Erlacher, Newman Elementary
"Walk quickly through the hallway to visit classes or walk around the playground at recess and watch or talk to students." - Tracy Rose, Twin Peaks Elementary
"Moving around the school and walking around the campus." - Mark Longe, St. Vincent de Paul School
"Walking throughout the school. Taking the "long" way when running errands. Taking a walk in my neighborhood in the evenings, and I use my treadmill for a few late-night runs." - Sally Sansom, East Midvale Elementary
Even 30 minutes of daily exercise is beneficial, according to experts at the Intermountain Heart Institute at Intermountain Medical Center. So get up. Get moving. Take the long route. Get healthy.