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    Community benefit

    Community programs ensure children get the care they need

    little girl getting her eyes checked at the eye doctor

    The Intermountain Community Care Foundation supports children and their families through programs that increase access to comprehensive medical, vision, dental, and behavioral health services. We collaborate with many community organizations to improve children's overall health.

    For example, the Intermountain Community Care Foundation provided donations to support expanding services to increase access to immunization programs, vision, and dental services. Some collaborators included Community Nursing Services, Friends for Sight, EyeCare4Kids, and Salt Lake Donated Dental Services.

    In particular, Community Nursing Services hosted "No-Cost Clinics" with the Intermountain Community Care Foundation’s support, to provide Human papillomavirus (HPV) and influenza immunizations to uninsured individuals in hard-to-reach areas. This initiative led to a 10% increase in mobile clinics across Utah and the administration of 4,001 charitable vaccinations to 3,563 individuals.

    Community Nursing Services shared a story of a young man who went into the West Valley Immunization Clinic and asked for help getting the vaccines he needed to stay in high school.

    This young man was on track to graduate that year but couldn't continue without the required vaccines. He lived on his own in a rented room and worked part-time at a sporting goods store. His parents lived in a different country, and he was living independently, funding his education.

    His vaccines added up to $400, which he couldn't afford.

    Thanks to funds received from the Intermountain Community Care Foundation and additional donors, the young man got all the vaccines needed that day to stay in school and graduate a few months later. The Immunization Team member noted, "The initiative to come in on his own to get his shots and continue his education was very impressive. He wasn't there to share a sad story. He was there to do what he needed to continue school. I am so glad we could help him."

    Additionally, with the support of the Intermountain Community Care Foundation, EyeCare4Kids provided over 1,500 vision care services to children and families, specifically through refugee programs, while Friends for Sight hosted over 19 community-based vision clinics. Both programs aim to reach children and their families through vision screenings, exams, prescription and reading glasses, and referrals to other medical specialists to treat related conditions and perform sight-saving surgeries. Similarly, Salt Lake Donated Dental Services provided preventive and restorative procedures for over 200 visits through the Pediatric Sedation and Oral Hygiene programs.

    These community programs and collaborative relationships have ensured that school-aged children, youth, and their families access the much-needed services for successful school attendance and employment.