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    How You Can Help with Brain Injury Treatment

    How You Can Help with Brain Injury Treatment


    Researchers from Hyperbaric Medicine in the UCR are looking at brain scan data from healthy people who’ve never had brain injuries — and they’re looking for volunteers who’d like to participate. Please pass the word to anyone who may be interested.

    The purpose of the study and how it will work: 
    Currently, traditional electroencephalograms (EEGs) are used to diagnose abnormal brain conduction, which accompanies many types of brain injury; for example, concussion or carbon monoxide poisoning. That’s done by placing electrodes on the scalp and recording the electrical activity of the brain for about an hour. The results look like an EKG reading, with wavy lines across a piece of paper. But now, EEG readings can be enhanced by quantifying the data with a super calculator that looks at patterns and provides a new way of looking at the traditional information gathered during an EEG.

    During the study, researchers hope to gather enough evidence to show that quantitative electroencephalogram, or qEEG, data is a better way to diagnose and treat brain injury patients. They hope the information they gather will speed up the diagnosis process, and in the long run improve the quality of life and long-term outcomes for these patients. 

    Who’s invited to participate in the study: 
    • Generally healthy, non-smoking men and women between 18 and 55
    • Willing to take a drug test
    • Not taking any medications (vitamins are okay — plus ACE inhibitors and cholesterol lowering medications are okay for participants over age 45)
    • No prior history of brain injury or dysfunction (including concussions).
    If you’d like to participate or want more information, contact Jeanette Davis, Clinical Research Coordinator, at 801-408-5278 or