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    The importance of sports physicals for youth athletes

    Safeguard your child’s game with sports physicals before the season

    Youth sports physicals

    Your kids are ready to win this fall sports season! But before your young athletes get in the game, ensuring their health and wellness with a comprehensive sports physical is crucial. Joseph Smith, MD, pediatrician at Platte Valley Hospital and owner of Premier Pediatrics in Brighton, Colorado, has fielded many parent questions about child sports physicals. He shared insights into why these screenings are a must-do before hitting the court.

    What is a sports physical?

    “Pre-participation physical examinations (sports physicals) are important to reduce the risk of injury while participating in sports and to identify any potential medical problems that could interfere with sports participation.” Dr. Smith said. 

    Administered by the athlete's primary care provider, the physical follows guidelines published by the American Academy of Pediatrics and other sports medicine associations. It includes questions about the athlete's health and family medical history. The exam identifies heart-related symptoms, concussion history, and musculoskeletal injuries.

    Why do kids need a sports physical?

    These exams play a vital preventive role in young athletes' health and well-being. They identify potential issues that could go unnoticed, such as heart conditions. Sudden cardiac arrest, although rare, is the leading cause of death in young athletes during exercise. By detecting concerns early on, you ensure your kids are fit to take part in sports.

    “We all recognize the importance of taking our cars in for a tune-up. But an annual checkup for a child or adolescent is even more important. It is recommended that children and adolescents have yearly well-visit examinations whether they are an athlete or not.” Dr. Smith said. “These visits identify many areas that could be of concern for the athlete and can also focus on ways of preventing illness, injury, and other health problems.”

    What health issues does a kids' sports physical look for?

    Dr. Smith emphasized that sports physicals cover various aspects of a child's health, including cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and neurological health. Patients will be asked questions about their daily physical and mental health and will receive a full review of past medical conditions. They may also undergo hearing, vision, and blood pressure screenings. The goal is to identify underlying conditions that might put the child at risk during sports.

    “The focus is on maximizing health now and in the future, both in the world of athletics and in all other areas of life.” Dr. Smith said. 

    He assured parents that these exams are structured to ensure that kids can compete with confidence and enjoy sports to the fullest and that most young athletes will not have conditions that prevent them from participating. 

    Are there consequences to my child skipping a sports physical?

    Your child should expect a physical if they want to participate in sports. These exams are typically mandatory for both school and club sports participation.

    “Just like skipping maintenance on a car can have consequences, skipping an annual health maintenance visit can have consequences. Critical medical conditions could be missed that could have an impact later.” Dr. Smith said. 

    Rather than viewing it as a burden, consider it an opportunity. Sports physicals offer valuable insights and reassurance that your young athlete is ready to play without limits.

    When does my child need a sports physical?

    Ideally, schedule sports physicals two months before the sports season begins. This strategic timing allows prompt addressing of potential issues, reducing last-minute stress. Keep in mind that sports physicals remain valid for one year from the date it is conducted. So make sure your child’s physical is scheduled prior to their participation in athletics and well before their previous year’s physical expires. 

    “The timing of the pre-participation examination is not as important as the regularity of the appointment. Yearly examinations are important as plenty can change in a year’s time.” Dr. Smith said. The examination does not need to be immediately before an athlete starts training for a sport but should occur within the past year.”

    Remember, these are not just routine checkups; they are essential in detecting and addressing potential health issues. Scheduling your child's sports physical gets them ready to conquer the field with peace of mind. Let the games begin, and let the fun and safety never end!


    The importance of sports physicals for youth athletes