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Health news and blog

    Finding your healthy "go to" snack

    Finding your healthy "go to" snack

    Go to snack WEB

    "I have loved the mini bags of healthy choice kettle corn popcorn. I also love string cheese or baby bell light cheese. Having veggies and fruit on hand has been a life saver. Clementines this time of the year are wonderful.  I always have one or two in my purse! For meals on the go I have used protein bars.  They keep me full and prevent me from eating the wrong things when I get hungry." - Sally Sansom, East Midvale Elementary

    "Fresh fruit. Strawberries are great right now." - Ruth Peters, Peruvian Park Elementary

    "Apples, popcorn, and my new favorite, Chobani bite yogurt raspberry w/ dark chocolate chips." - Becky Gerber, Herriman Elementary

    "Almonds and fresh fruit." - Mark Longe, St Vincent de Paul School

    "Nuts raw almonds, raw pumpkin seeds, raw walnuts and a few pistachio’s nuts." - John Erlacher, Newman Elementary
