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    6 Kids Games that Burn More Calories than you Think

    6 Kids Games that Burn More Calories than you Think


    When playing with your children, you burn significantly more calories that you would if you were engaging in slower-paced activities. Here's a comparison of calories burned between six adult activities and six kids' games based on 30 minutes of the activity.


    Elliptical Trainer - 182 calories
    Stationary Rower - 219 calories
    Downhill Skiing - 157 calories
    Walking 3.5 mph - 157 calories
    Mowing Lawn - 120 calories
    Putting Away Groceries - 50 calories


    Marco Polo in the Pool - 200 calories
    Playground Games - 170 calories (hopscotch, 4-square, t-ball, etc.)
    Casual Soccer Game - 204 calories
    Jumping Rope - 238 calories
    Roller Blading - 374 calories
    Touch Football - 150 calories

    So the next time your child ask you to go out and play, you should take them up on the offer. It will be heart healthy, fun and memorable. So get out and play!