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Midwife Myths

Midwife Myths

By Jacqueline Lagana

May 5, 2016

Updated Nov 10, 2023

5 min read


There are, however, a lot of misconceptions about midwives. Here are a few, along with the real facts:


MYTH #1  “If I go to a midwife, I’m concerned that my care will not be as good.” 


Facts: Patients can expect to receive a comparable standard of medical care when seeing a CNM. In fact, numerous studies have proven that midwifery care can have equal or improved outcomes including lower rates of interventions, low birth weight babies, preterm labor, and fewer cesarean sections. 


MYTH #2  “I’ve heard that midwives only deliver at home and birthing centers.” 


Facts: CNMs can choose to do home or birthing center deliveries.  At Intermountain, the midwives deliver in the hospitals and collaborate with OB/GYNs should any problems arise that require further medical intervention, including instrument assisted deliveries or cesarean sections.  We can also refer patients out of our practice if they have medical issues beyond our scope of practice, including high risk pregnancies or patients with uncontrolled chronic conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure.


MYTH #3  “Midwives only see patients for pregnancy.” 


Facts: We see females from adolescence through menopause and beyond.  Our most common reasons for visits are prenatal exams, annual exams, pap smears, contraceptive counseling, sexually-transmitted disease (STD) testing, gynecologic problems and minor primary care problems.


MYTH #4  “If I choose a midwife, I can’t have an epidural or any pain medication during labor.”


Facts: Our primary goal is to support the type of birth experience you are hoping for while keeping you and your baby safe. You can choose from a variety of options while under the care of your midwife including massage, counter pressure techniques, positional assistance, shower/tub availability, as well as IV pain medication and epidurals.


MYTH #5  “Midwives don’t have any formal education.” 


Facts: All Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) have a bachelor’s of science degree in nursing and are registered nurses, who have received further education and clinical expertise in graduate or doctoral programs.  All CNMs must pass a national certification exam through the American Midwifery Certification Board.


For more information on CNMs, please call 801-507-7070, or see or


Intermountain Healthcare medical experts will answer questions about maternity and pregnancy during interviews on KUTV Channel 2’s Ask The Expert, as well as take calls over the phone on Tuesday, May 10th, from noon to 5:30 p.m.


Those interested can call 877-908-0680 to speak free of charge to one of the many experts, including doctors, dietitians, exercise experts, and other clinicians, or receive answers via Facebook or Twitter using #kutvasktheexpert.


Experts answering questions will be from throughout the Intermountain system. For more information visit


Jacqui Lagana, CNM, NP

Intermountain Alta View Nurse Midwives

Office: (801) 501-3300