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    Treat Yourself to a Healthier Valentine's Dinner

    Treat Yourself to a Healthier Valentine's Dinner

    Treat Yourself to a Nice, Healthy Valentine's Day Dinner

    Eating out can present some challenges when it comes to heart health and weight management—extreme portions and multiple courses, high fat and/or sodium content, feeling the need to overeat in order to get your money’s worth. Keep these tips in mind as you treat yourself to a nice restaurant meal this Valentine’s Day:

    1. Choose the restaurant wisely

    • Avoid buffets and all-you-can-eat options.
    • Choose restaurants that offer low-fat or calorie-controlled menu items.

    2. Avoid overeating

    • Eat a light snack, such as a small piece of fruit or some vegetables, to take the edge off your hunger before you arrive at the restaurant.
    • Drink lots of water. Sipping water throughout the meal can help you eat less and avoid extra calories from sugary or alcoholic beverages. 
    • Don’t fill up on appetizers or the breadbasket. After choosing one piece of bread, ask that the breadbasket be removed from the table. 
    • Share your meal or ask for a to-go box at the beginning of your meal and box half of it up.

    3. Be familiar with cooking terms

    • Foods that are described as steamed, garden fresh, broiled, roasted, poached, dry broiled, lean are usually low-fat options.
    • Foods that are described as buttered, creamed, au gratin, in cheese sauce, sautéed, fried, pan-fried, crispy, breaded, stuffed, casserole, prime, or hash are usually high in fat.

    4. Ask questions

    • Ask that your food be prepared without salt.
    • Ask for condiments, sauces, and dressings on the side.
    • Ask about substitution options, such as steamed vegetables or a salad to replace French fries, or pasta salad or grilled chicken to replace crispy chicken in a pasta dish or on a salad.