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Health news and blog

    Men’s Health Month: What Health Issues to Be Aware Of

    Men’s Health Month: What Health Issues to Be Aware Of


    Although the gap is closing, men still die on average, 5 years earlier than women.  While this is partly biological, men’s approach to their health plays a major role.  Men typically go to the doctor less than women and feel if they are able to work and feel productive they are in a healthy state.  Even if you are feeling healthy a little preventive action can go a long way.  The top threats to the health of men are known and often times they can be prevented.

    The top health threats to men’s health and prevention:

    • Cardiovascular Disease: can be prevented by getting your cholesterol checked at 25 years of age and every 5 years after, increasing your physical activity, and eating lots of fruits and veggies
    • Lung Cancer: though there is not currently a screen test for this, the best way to prevent lung cancer is to stop smoking as soon as possible
    • Prostate Cancer: Only found in men, prostate cancer is the most common cancer found among men.  Getting yearly rectal exams and blood tests are important when making sure you stay healthy.  However, it is also very important to have regular doctor’s appointments and learning about your overall threat.
    • Depression and Suicide: Men are much more likely to hide their feelings of depression and by that do not get the help they need.  Men and women respond well to the treatment of depression with therapy and/or medication.
    • Diabetes: A silent and slow killer, Diabetes takes years to develop and so many men have it before they know something is wrong.  Along with regular exercise, a healthy diet is a great way of preventing Type 2 Diabetes.
    • HIV and AIDS: 69 percent of new cases of HIV and AIDS occur in men ages 15-29.  The best way to prevent contracting this dangerous illness is to communicate with your sexual partners and practice safe sex.

    You Are Not Superman!

    Another big threat to the health and wellbeing of men is their feelings of having to prove their manliness and take risks.  Men have a higher rate of unintentional injuries and accidents. This happens for many reasons, like dangerous driving habits, taking unnecessary risks, playing sports, and drinking more alcohol.

     Keep in mind you are human too and staying on top of your health should be of utmost importance.  Take regular trips to the doctor, develop healthy eating habits, get physical activity in every day, and take risks within reason.  This Men’s health month Intermountain will be sharing information in regards to the risks men face and how to prevent this from happening to you or the men in your life.