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    How to Make the Perfect Back to School Breakfast

    How to Make the Perfect Back to School Breakfast

    How to Make the Perfect Back to School Breakfast

    So many times breakfast gets pushed aside because there just isn’t any time, but putting together a quick and healthy morning meal is easier than you think. 

    RELATED: The Three P’s That Can Help Your Breakfast Be Friendlier to Your Health

    When building your breakfast, it’s important to think about balance. Include foods that are going to provide both protein and carbohydrates. This is a good rule of thumb for all your meals, but a great way to start your day off right. Also, to speed things up on your busy mornings, try using foods that you can make ahead of time and that can be served cold or reheated easily.

    Here four quick, easy, and nutritious ideas for the perfect back-to-school breakfast:

    1. Yogurt Parfait: Start with a small cup of unsweetened yogurt and add honey, granola or other cereal, and fruit.
    2. Breakfast Quinoa: Mix cooked quinoa with milk or milk alternative and your choice of seasonings (cinnamon, cocoa powder, honey, etc.), nut butter and dried fruit (blueberries, mango, coconut, etc.). Heat it up or eat cold. Make one big pot of quinoa and store it in your fridge for breakfasts all week.
    3. Peanut Butter Toast with Fruit: Toast some whole wheat bread or an English muffin and top it with peanut butter (or almond, cashew, etc). For something a little extra you can add cinnamon and top with sliced apples or bananas, or try sliced strawberries. For added nutrition, combine this with a fresh piece of fruit.
    4. Scrambled Egg Cups: Bake your scrambled eggs ahead of time using a muffin tin. Whisk together eggs, vegetables (zucchini, peppers, spinach, onions, tomatoes, etc.), low fat cheese or Canadian bacon, and a little bit of water. Pour into greased muffin tins and bake for about 30 minutes. Keep them in the fridge for up to a week (or freeze them) and microwave for a quick easy breakfast.

    Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day so you shouldn’t skip it. Instead, try one of these quick and easy healthy breakfast ideas.

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