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    Relieve hand pain with occupational therapy

    Discover the who, why, and what of healing hand therapy.


    Let’s start with a riddle: “I can hold things but I’m not a bag. I can write things but I’m not a pen. I have digits but I’m not a cellphone. You’ve probably used me in the last 5 seconds.”

    If you guessed a “hand,” you are correct! If you didn’t, maybe you should read the title of this blog again.

    As humans, we use our hands constantly. Whether it’s making food, holding a steering wheel, or scrolling through this page, your hands are how you navigate life. And when you have hand discomfort, life can be miserable.

    Starla Maier-Walford, OT, Staff Occupational Therapist and Hand Therapist at SCL Health Medical Group - Wheat Ridge, shared how hand therapy can reclaim your hands’ full potential.

    What is hand therapy?

    Occupational hand therapy is a tailored rehabilitation approach that focuses on your hands. It's a specialized form of care dedicated to relieving pain, restoring function, and promoting overall well-being in hand-related injuries and conditions.

    A certified hand therapist is someone who has dedicated their career to treating the upper extremity, which includes your elbow, forearm, wrist, palm, and fingers.

    “We do extra continuing education and courses just related to the upper extremity,” said Starla. “When somebody has an injury in the hand, it’s the most intricate part of that extremity.”

    Hand therapists bring a unique blend of expertise, compassion, and innovation to the table. They understand your hands aren't just part of your body; they're part of your identity.

    Why is hand therapy important?

    Hand therapy accelerates the healing process for hand-related challenges. Whether you're recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or wanting to improve hand function, it provides personalized solutions.

    Through targeted exercises, collaborative care, and pain management techniques, hand therapists guide you towards a more independent and pain-free lifestyle.

    The importance of hand therapy extends beyond physical recovery. It's about regaining confidence, reclaiming hobbies, and rediscovering everyday activities that may have been disrupted.

    “People think they can suck it up and live with it, but there’s so much we can do, like spliniting, activity modifications, and more,” said Starla.

    Do I need hand therapy?

    Curious if hand therapy is right for you? If you've experienced a hand injury, have conditions like arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, or find daily activities challenging due to hand-related issues, then hand therapy could be your key to recovery.

    Starla shared that hand therapists often have psychology backgrounds as well. “When we can’t use our hands, we feel so much less capable of living life,” she said. “Our goal is also to figure out what psychological impact you have and improve your quality of life.

    It's not just for athletes or those recovering from surgery—hand therapy is for anyone ready to invest in their well-being. The sooner you seek hand therapy, the quicker you can regain strength, mobility, and improved mental health.

    The journey to healthier, happier hands begins with understanding the transformative impact of hand therapy. Our expert hand therapists, such as Starla, can help you grasp every opportunity life presents.

    “Come in for the first time and let us see what we can do to help you,” said Starla. “You don’t know until you try.” 


    Relieve hand pain with occupational therapy