Intermountain Healthcare has a rich history of research, with researchers at Intermountain – along with their colleagues at other organizations – having been involved in thousands of studies in dozens of clinical specialties. Currently, there are more than 1,400 open studies throughout the system.
Medical research complements Intermountain’s mission of providing and improving excellent patient care, and recognizes that we are a learning organization. Intermountain focuses on studies and clinical trials that directly improve the patient experience and quality of care. Our research offers patients a wider variety of treatment options and helps attract leading physicians, nurses and other caregivers, contributing to better patient care.
Much of the research at Intermountain occurs at our hospitals and as part of our eight clinical programs, and the outcomes of these studies are shared via presentations; local, national and international publications; media; and now through the FINDING ANSWERS blog.
We’re excited to take this step forward and provide you with the most compelling and up-to-date information on our research discoveries, focusing on the latest patient-centered medical breakthroughs achieved by our researchers. I encourage you to follow the Intermountain Healthcare Facebook page and Twitter feed, so you can always be aware of updates to this blog and find other items of interest. Also, check out our other social media channels, including LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ and Pinterest.
Finally, please note that the social media platform of Intermountain Research is a two-way street; if you have a comment or question, please feel free to contribute to the conversation through any of our social channels!