Try These Five Natural Headache Remedies
Unless your last name is Rockefeller, daily life is pretty hard on its own. You’ve got kids to worry about, housework to do, work to do, and then you have to somehow squeeze in a little time for yourself along the way. So, it’s safe to say that you don’t have time in your day to be down for hours at a time in bed with a headache. Even the best headache remedies can still put you down, so here are five ways to help decrease your risk of getting a headache in the first place.
Eat more magnesium
Research has shown that people who get headaches typically show lower levels of magnesium in their blood. So, one easy way to decrease your risk of headaches is to add some foods that are high in magnesium to your diet. Some good examples include: spinach, pumpkin seeds, black and lima beans, quinoa and brown rice.
Eat more B2
Some researchers have also concluded that B2 vitamins can help reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. So, if you want to be headache free, try adding some of these foods to your diet as well: dairy, eggs, chicken breast, lean beef and pork, salmon, almonds, spinach.
Stay consistent with caffeine
If you’re considering removing caffeine from your diet, you’ll want to be careful how you do it. By cutting it out cold turkey, or going days on end without caffeine, you’ll increase your likelihood of getting a headache. So wean yourself off of your go-juice carefully.
Reduce your screen time
This is a tough one to accomplish but research has shown that too much screen time can cause neck tension that results in headaches. So, while there’s not much you can do if your job revolves around sitting in front of a computer, you can increase your number of breaks, and limit your TV hours when you get off work. Both of which are good for your health in general.
Get more sleep
Spending some quality time counting sheep has been shown to help lessen headache occurrences for the majority of sufferers. To make dozing off a little easier, try exercising during the day, putting your phone away 30 minutes before you go to bed, and not watching tv or looking at your phone while you’re in bed.
If it’s too late and you’re already dealing with a headache, the classic combination of hydration, painkillers, and rest are your best bets. Good luck!