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    Use These Tips To Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19

    Use These Tips To Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19

    Use These Tips To Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19

    Visit SCL Health's Coronavirus Information and Resources page for more information.

    COVID-19 is spread through person-to-person contact and by coming into contact with infected surfaces. You can help protect yourself and limit the spread of disease with these tips:

    • Avoid social gatherings in groups of more than 10 people
    • Avoid eating or drinking out - use drive through, pick up or delivery
    • Re-consider non-essential errands & travel, shopping trips and social visits
    • Visit loved ones by electronic devices instead of in person
    • Practice social distancing
      • Allow 6 feet of space between you and other people
      • Greet friends & colleagues with a wave instead of a handshake
    • Commit to good hand hygiene
      • Wash your hands often, and for 20 seconds or more or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
      • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
      • Cover coughs/sneezes with a tissue or cough into your elbow
    • Don’t share personal items such as food, drinks, towels or utensils
    • Hang out at home - enjoy reading, connecting with family, etc.

    Looking for more ways to practice mindfulness at home? Here are some additional ideas and resources!