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    What do Dietitians Eat?

    What do Dietitians Eat?

    Greek Yogurt

    At Intermountain Healthcare, our mission is to help people live the healthiest lives possible. Intermountain employs over 165 dietitians who work every day to share their knowledge of healthy eating with people in our hospitals, clinics, and communities. Our dietitians are a great example of how healthy eating can still be an enjoyable experience.  We asked Intermountain dietitians from all over Utah what their favorite foods were and here are some of our favorite responses:

    Greek Yogurt

    Light Greek yogurt is a tasty way to boost protein intake, stabilize blood sugar, and help with satiety!  You can make ranch dip with it and serve with veggies for a fat-free, high-protein snack.  Flavored varieties of Greek yogurt are great with oatmeal in the morning (instead of milk) for a filling breakfast to keep you going until lunchtime. ~Jenessa Henrie, Primary Children’s Hospital dietitian


    A handful of raw or dry-roasted nuts!  These make a great, easily-portable snack anytime you have the munchies as they are really satisfying and are full of heart-healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.  ~ Margaret Braae, Primary Children’s Hospital dietitian

    Black Beans

    I love black beans or any beans for that matter.  My kids make fun of me because I eat them ALOT!  They are tasty, easy to throw together, very satisfying, and a good source of fiber and protein. ~Valery Shaw, Riverton Hospital dietitian

    Sun Dried Tomatoes

    Lately, one of my go-to foods has been sundried tomatoes. They work great on paninis, pasta, or pizzas (especially ones cooked on the barbecue grill). By using the dehydrated fruit, you retain the yummy tomato flavor while reducing some of the water content, which can cause sogginess in some recipes. They are a good source of fiber and antioxidants. Some of the ones you buy at the store can be higher in sodium, so make sure to check the label! ~Jessie Hatch, McKay-Dee dietitian


    My favorite food is berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc.)  Not only are they colorful and delicious, they are also high in antioxidants and polyphenols – which help fight chronic disease.  Have a ½ cup for a snack or add to yogurt, a green salad or a smoothie!  ~Kathryn Kauffman, Dixie Regional Medical Center dietitian


    When I’m cooking Italian at home, baby arugula in a salad is one of my favorite ingredients. Its peppery flavor is like nothing else and with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice, some olive oil and some parmesan cheese slivers, it is a wonderful, authentic Italian addition to any meal. ~Regan Wilson, Valley View Medical Center dietitian


    I love chocolate – the darker the better!  Not only does a small piece of high-quality dark chocolate go a long way in satisfying my sweet-tooth, but I love that a dessert can give me a boost of healthy antioxidants and flavenoids! ~Joy Musselman, McKay-Dee Hospital dietitian

    Fruit Salad

    Fruit salads are the perfect side at family mealtime – quick, colorful, and delicious!  Simply cut 2 to 4 different fresh fruits (about 1 piece of fruit per person) into bite-sized pieces and mix together.  Any combination of fruit can work.  Some of my favorite combinations are a traditional blend of apple, orange, and banana or try a summer variety of watermelon, cantaloupe, and blueberries or even a tropical mix of mango, kiwi, and pineapple.  ~Katie McDonald, Primary Children’s Hospital dietitian


    One of my favorite foods is garden fresh cucumbers.  I can eat them like candy, and they really are a better alternative for the afternoon munchies.  They are also great in salads, sandwiches, and wraps.  ~Mary Brown, Dixie Regional Medical Center dietitian (Editor’s note: Mary also shared that doughnut holes are another favorite, “I only buy them 2-3 times a year, but I do love them!”  As dietitians we believe all foods can fit in a healthy diet – even less nutritious foods when eaten in moderation.)


    Although they may seem cliche as a stereotypical "health food", this fruit is a must-have in my life. There are many varieties of flavors and textures to appeal to individual preferences. Apples hold up especially well as a travel snack or in a packed lunch, so I usually have one close at hand. ~Marie Stevens, McKay-Dee Hospital dietitian