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Health news and blog

    Your New Year's Resolution Check-In

    Your New Year's Resolution Check-In

    Your New Year's Resolution Check-In

    OK, we’re a good chunk into 2020 now and it’s time to look back at your goals for the new year. It’s all-too easy to take a cursory glance and decide whether you’re going to keep it up or not. But that’s not what this is about!

    This is about re-evaluating your New Year’s resolutions a month later and deciding on the best course of action. And since self-reflection can be a tricky task without guidelines, we’re providing a few different lenses in which to view your progress. The idea is to critically look at what you want to achieve and find a way to get there. Sound good? Then let’s take a look at your “Resolution Wellness Worksheet” if you will.

    (Click for full version)


    We hope this worksheet got you thinking about your resolutions and fired up to hit your mark! Are there other ways you keep yourself motivated and on track toward your goals? We want to hear about them in the comments below.