What do you look for in a resident?

We look for candidates who are passionate about pharmacy, have demonstrated involvement and leadership in professional organizations, and have produced significant personal accomplishments. We expect our residents to exhibit academic achievement, possess leadership and research experience and demonstrate the ability to collaborate with others in an interdisciplinary environment. We value teamwork and are seeking candidates who are flexible, resilient, and adaptable. 

What rotations are required?

Required rotations will vary depending on the program. Please see the individual program pages for full details.  

Can I do rotations at a site other than my home facility?

Yes! Although most rotations can be completed at the resident's home-base facility, there are rotation opportunities that may be completed at other sites within the enterprise. This is one of the main benefits of doing at residency at large health-system like Intermountain. 

How do the staffing requirements differ between facilities?

PGY1 and PGY2 program staffing requirements will vary by facility and program type; please refer to the specific Program Overview pages for details. PGY1s will generally staff 32 hours per month and gain experience in both the clinical and operational aspects of pharmacy practice. 

Do you use Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application (PhORCAS)?

Yes. Please see the application process page for more details.

How many residents do you take?

PGY1 residencies

  • PGY1 pharmacy (hospital-based)
    • Intermountain Medical Center (5 residents)
    • LDS Hospital (1 resident plus the 1st year medication-use safety and policy resident)
    • McKay-Dee Hospital (2 residents)
    • Primary Children's Hospital (2 residents)
    • St. George Regional Hospital (1 resident)
    • Utah Valley Hospital (3 residents)
  • PGY1 community-based, Enterprise-wide (2 residents)

PGY1/PGY2 residency

  • Medication-use safety and policy, LDS Hospital / Intermountain Health Drug Information Center (1 resident, 2-year commitment) 

PGY2 residencies

  • Ambulatory Care in clinics throughout the Intermountain Health enterprise (2 residents)
  • Cardiology at Intermountain Medical Center and Utah  Valley Hospital (2 residents)
  • Critical Care at Intermountain Medical Center (1 resident)
  • Emergency Medicine at Intermountain Medical Center (1 resident)
  • Infectious Diseases throughout the Intermountain Health enterprise (1 resident)
  • Pediatrics at Primary Children's Hospital (1 resident)
  • Solid Organ Transplant  at Intermountain Medical Center (1 resident)
  • Psychiatric Pharmacy, multi-site based out of Primary Children's Hospital (1 resident)

    Do you offer a teaching certificate?

    Yes, an optional academic teaching certificate is offered to our residents with the following requirements: 

    • Prepare and present a 1-hour seminar at home facility for pharmacists
    • Prepare and present a 1-hour, system-wide broadcasted ACPE-accredited presentation for pharmacists and technicians
    • Develop and deliver one platform presentation and one poster presentation at a regional, state, national or other approved conference meeting
    • Serve as the primary preceptor of a learner on rotation
    • Develop a personal, written teaching philosophy
    • Design and maintain a teaching portfolio
    • Observe at least 2 different didactic lectures at their assigned school of pharmacy
    • Develop and deliver a lecture at college of pharmacy to students
    • Lead/facilitate at least one recitation, simulation lab or other similar activity at a college of pharmacy
    • Attend at least 2 committee or faculty meetings at a college of pharmacy
    • Deliver at least 1 in-service presentation to clinical staff (nursing, pharmacists, etc.) while on a clinical rotation
    • Submit at least 1 manuscript for publication to a peer reviewed journal
    • Participate in academia/education-focused discussions throughout the year

    Do you participate in PPS?

    Our PGY1 residency programs generally do not participate in PPS at ASHP Midyear. Select PGY2 programs will be conducting interviews at PPS. Please check the PPS employer listing or reach out to the specific PGY2 RPD for details.  

    When are your interviews held?

    Interviews are generally held during the month of February.

    Do you sponsor residents for their visa?

    Yes, Intermountain does sponsor visas for residents and we welcome the opportunity to work with residents from diverse backgrounds. As a pharmacy resident, you will be considered a full-time employee of Intermountain Health. Intermountain Health verifies that all newly hired individuals are authorized to work in the United States. Each new employee must complete an Employment Verification (Form I-9) and provide legally acceptable proof of their identity and authorization to work in the United States. Please contact our human resources department at 1-888-655-3429 for specific questions related to sponsorship requirements.

    What benefits are available to residents?

    Please refer to our benefits page for details.