If your child has scoliosis, the kind of treatment they need depends on their spinal curve. Your doctor will use X-rays to check if the curve is getting worse or staying the same. When it comes to X-rays, even though you might need a few to monitor your scoliosis, they're safe. Our hospital uses a special X-ray machine called an EOS imaging machine. This machine uses about seven times less radiation than regular X-rays.
If your child’s care plan calls for wearing a brace, they do not have to wear it all day. Studies show that wearing the brace for 16-18 hours a day gives the best results. Most kids wear their brace at night and during school, which lets them take it off and move freely when they're out of school. You'll work with your doctor to figure out the best schedule for wearing your brace.
If you and your doctor decide that surgery is needed based on the severity of the spinal curve, your child will need to take it easy for a while to let their body heal properly. This usually means some activities are off-limits for about 6 months. Your doctor will review this option with you and your child thoroughly in person.