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Coronary Anomaly Program

With our complete approach to care, our coronary anomaly program can greatly improve your child's quality of life.

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The program focuses on family education, providing recommendations, risks, and benefits about treatment options along the way. Some of the conditions we work with include:

  • Anomalous origin of the coronary artery
  • Anomalous left from the pulmonary artery
  • Kawasaki’s disease or coronary artery aneurysms
  • Coronary artery fistulas
  • Acquired congenital coronary insufficiencies

What sets us apart

Our partnering approach to care and our advanced cardiac imaging help improve your child’s outcomes when it comes to surgical interventions, transcatheter interventions, and care management. We also team up with our cardiac fitness program to safely help your child return to physical activities.

Regularly, we meet for our scheduled collaborative session. This gives us the opportunity to connect with many different caregivers and design an individualized care approach for your child. To provide you with the best care, we are committed to the education and advancement of our medical approaches by staying active within national research and quality improvement initiatives.

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