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We're here to help create a care plan for your child's heart rhythm needs.

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At Intermountain Children’s Health, our pediatric electrophysiology centers are specialized clinics staffed by experts that help address the unique health challenges of your child and their cardiac condition. Working with you, we provide your child the care they need through specialized procedures with excellent outcomes. 

Our physicians help train other electrophysiologists, utilizing new technology that minimizes radiation exposure. We work closely with adult electrophysiology and genetics colleagues in inherited arrhythmia research to provide better care for children. 

With us, you can count on experts in the treatment of:

  • Abnormal fast heart rhythms (tachyarrhythmias) in infants and children including Wolff Parkinson White syndrome
  • Abnormal fast heart rhythms (tachyarrhythmias) in complex congenital heart disease in children and adults
  • Abnormal slow heart rhythms (bradyarrhythmias) in infants and children
  • Abnormal slow heart rhythms (bradyarrhythmias) in complex congenital heart disease in children and adults
  • Treatment of inheritable arrhythmias in children and adults
  • Prevention of sudden cardiac death

Mediguide GPS technology

MediGuide technology helps to eliminate the need for repeated X-rays and radiation exposure each time a catheter is repositioned. The technology uses magnetic targeting to help track the catheter's position in real-time. By using MediGuide we can more accurately determine the catheter's location during the procedure.
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