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Fellowships and student opportunities in Nevada

Student placement opportunities - NV

In partnership with prestigious schools across the west, Intermountain offers learning experiences in Las Vegas, Henderson, Pahrump, Boulder City and Mesquite.

Available specialties

Our current Nevada placement opportunities are limited to contracted schools. Please connect with your school placement coordinator to determine if we have a contract with your school. Your placement coordinator can then reach out to our GME office at to request placement for you. Note that placement availability is determined in part by preceptor schedules, current capacity of students, and clinic staffing/space. View all Utah placement opportunities.

We are currently only able to accommodate a limited number of clinical placements in Primary Care/Internal Medicine. We are not offering placements in the following specialties at this time: Urgent Care/Emergency, Pediatrics, Women’s Health, Lab/Phlebotomy, Medical Billing & Coding.

Placement requests

Clinical Placements

To request clinical placement in one of our Nevada Intermountain Health clinics, please have your school Student Placement Coordinator email us at


If you are interested in shadowing opportunities, please email us and specify that your request is for shadowing. These opportunities are very limited at this time. Shadowing students are scheduled for a maximum of 4-weeks or 40 hours, whichever comes first.

MA/RN Placements Only

If you are interested in a Medical Assistant internship, or need clinical placement for your Registered Nurse program, please email If you are needing placement for your MD/DO/NP/PA program, please refer to section 1 above.

Student preceptors

We are fortunate to employ experienced preceptors in multiple specialties who have a passion for teaching. While we do appreciate requests for specific preceptors, availability is based on preceptor schedules, clinic capacity, and our commitment to a one-student-at-a-time guideline. This ensures individual instruction and a comprehensive educational experience.

Please work through your school placement coordinator and our GME office to determine if we can accommodate your request.