During your stay, you'll learn a lot about your care-your medications, your treatment, and your progress. That means you may be the first to notice if something isn't quite right. We encourage you to ask us questions, raise concerns, and probe for answers until we've made things clear to you.

You can ask us about anything. It won't hurt our feelings. In fact, we'll be glad you did.

"Who are you?"

You can expect healthcare workers to wear badges and introduce themselves. If you're unsure about who's caring for you, we hope you'll ask.

"What do you mean?"

You have the right to understand every word caregivers say to you—whether they're talking about medications, test results, or treatments. If it's not making sense to you, please ask us to explain things in a way you can understand.

"What does this form mean?"

You should fully understand everything you're given to read or asked to sign. Forms can be confusing, so take your time and ask questions.

"Do you know who I am?"

Nurses and doctors should check your identity, and call you by name, before they give you medication or treatment. Show your wristband. Speak up if you think a caregiver has confused you with someone else.

"Stop. Have you marked my procedure site?"

For most surgeries and procedures, it's our practice to use a special pen to mark the part of your body where the procedure or surgery will be done. We may also recheck and discuss the site with you before the start of your procedure. If you have any concerns, please let us know.

"Have you met my family?"

If you're nervous or embarrassed to ask a question or raise a concern, sometimes a family member or "designated spokesperson" can do it for you. If we have your permission, we're happy to talk with them and share your confidential information. Just let us know.

"Did you wash or sanitize your hands?"

Everyone who comes in to provide care for you—nurses, doctors, and even friends and family—should wash their hands. Please remind them if they forget.

"Is that my medication?"

Please provide a complete list of your home medications, allergies, and reactions. If you don't recognize a medication or think it's the wrong one, ask if it's really for you. If it's new, have the possible side effects described in a way you can understand.