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Intermountain Center for Disaster Preparedness (ICDP)



    Intermountain Center for Disaster Preparedness

    About us

    Welcome to the Intermountain Center for Disaster Preparedness (ICDP), the hub for equipping healthcare professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate and respond to emergencies effectively. From natural calamities to pandemics, we are dedicated to empowering healthcare teams with the skills and confidence to ensure resilient, efficient, and coordinated responses. The ICDP uses experiential learning and simulation to enable the delivery of the right care at the right place at the right time for our community. Join us in building stronger, more prepared healthcare systems capable of safeguarding lives during critical moments. 
    working session


    The ICDP’s instructor cadre provides a variety of preparedness classes. Please see the Intermountain Health Classes and Events page for a list of upcoming classes. If you would like to request a class for your organization, please complete the ICDP Class Request form. We are always recruiting talented healthcare and emergency management professionals! If you are interested in becoming a certified ICDP instructor, please complete the ICDP Instructor form.

    Exercises are a key component of national preparedness — they provide the whole community with the opportunity to shape planning, assess and validate capabilities, and address areas for improvement. The ICDP is pleased to provide Exercise support to ensure you achieve the highest level of realism possible in your exercises. We can provide volunteers to act as patients as well as experienced Medical Moulage artists to create a well-rounded simulated disaster experience. This Mass Casualty Exercise video demonstrates the value the ICDP can add to your exercises. Please complete the Exercise Support form to request help in your area.

    The ICDP has state-of-the-art classroom and simulation space just outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. This space includes nine mock patient rooms, two mock decontamination showers with anteroom, and three classrooms wired for hybrid presentations. The space also features two small conference/debrief rooms and a kitchen. Please complete the ICDP Space Request Form to reserve the space for your exercise or preparedness class.


    Mark Shah, MD, ICDP Medical Director

    Megan Curtis, Program Manager

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