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As cooler weather approaches, many of us look forward to fall and winter events. What we don’t look forward to is cold and flu season.
Understanding common types of sickness and how long you’re contagious will help you decide if you should stay home another day or get back to life as scheduled.
Fall/Winter and virus season is approaching and keeping kids healthy is a top priority for Utah families. Below are some tips and information about what you can do to avoid illness.
The inversion has arrived in full force this week, and it's thick! Inversions plague the Wasatch Front, Uintah Basin, and Cache Valley for days to weeks in the winter months. So, what can you do?
It’s that time of year again. We’re starting to hear about bad air on the news, then we’ll see it driving into town and finally we’ll taste it in the air. On the worst days it doesn’t even feel healthy to breathe, let alone go for a run or walk.
As the days get colder, every Utahn knows what’s in store—first class skiing and snowboarding, cozy nights curled up with a cup of hot cocoa, and…inversion