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Mount Saint Vincent

  • About

Room for one more

at Mount Saint Vincent

Before they even met one another, Mike and Kyle both knew that fostering and adoption would be a part of their lives. Kyle’s parents began fostering children when she was six years old. It was an act of kindness that left a lasting impression on her. And when Mike was growing up, family friends fostered a child who they eventually adopted. Mike watched as the boy grew and flourished over the years. These childhood experiences instilled within them the desire to help children in need.

After marrying in 2003 and settling in Kansas, the Boeglins waited for the right time to pursue fostering. That moment took place shortly after the birth of their fourth child. “We were done having biological children, but our family just didn’t quite feel complete,” Kyle said. So, after taking the requisite classes and obtaining licensure, they welcomed their first placement in October of 2013.

Then, an unexpected job opportunity in Colorado presented itself. “Kyle’s family lived in Colorado and we always wanted to move there, so we knew it was the right thing to do,” said Mike. The couple was able to transition the baby to a loving family before they left.

Even though their time fostering was short, Mike and Kyle thought that perhaps that was the end of their fostering career. But life had other plans. Just a year after moving to Colorado, they met a family that happened to be foster parents. “Mike and I wondered, is life giving us a nudge?” Kyle laughed. Taking the hint, they obtained their Colorado foster care license and accepted the placement of a newborn girl in September of 2016. The placement agency was not expecting to locate any next of kin, so the couple were mentally prepared to adopt little Kelli. But 17 months later, a biological family was found that was willing to take both Kelli and her older siblings. “As heart-wrenching as it was, we knew that it was the best thing for her,” Kyle said.

It was extremely difficult for the family to give up the baby they had grown to love. Mike and Kyle decided that the next child they fostered would be on a fairly certain track for adoption. A few months later, they received a call in May of 2018 about Tessa, a four-year-old in need of an adoptive family. After a weekend respite visit, the Boeglins decided to welcome her into their home. It soon became apparent that this was the child they would adopt.

An expedited adoption expectation turned into a two-year wait. After numerous delayed court dates and a lengthy parental appeal, the adoption date was finally set for April 20, 2020. Because of Covid-19 restrictions, the court procedure was conducted over the phone. Dozens of family members and friends listened in on the call as Tessa was formally adopted. Shortly after, 30 friends surprised the family with a car parade outside the Boeglin’s home, where they waved and cheered, held welcome signs, and honked their horns enthusiastically as they drove by. “The look on Tessa’s face was priceless,” Kyle said.

At first blush, one might think of Tessa as the sole beneficiary in this scenario, but Mike and Kyle would disagree. The entire fostering and adoption experience had a profound impact on the family. “We are better parents for having been foster parents,” Mike said, “and the children we cared for enriched the lives of every single member of our family.” And in the end, the Boeglin family was finally complete.

Become a foster parent