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Saint Joseph Hospital

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Woman smiling while talking to her doctor

About Saint Joseph Hospital

At Saint Joseph Hospital, we’re happy to tell you about us: our compassionate caregivers, our clinical excellence, our award-winning care and even our beautiful campus

About us

Saint Joseph Hospital was founded in Denver in 1873 by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth as the first private teaching hospital in Colorado. Today, it remains the largest private teaching hospital in Denver. The hospital provides a tradition of healthcare that includes compassionate caregivers, stellar clinical expertise and active clinical partnerships with Kaiser Permanente, National Jewish Health and community physicians.

History and Leadership

Learn more about our history and leadership team

Our leadership team includes:

  • Jamie Smith, MBA, FACHE, President
  • John Tynes, Vice President, Chief Medical Officer
  • Jelden Arcilla, MBA, RNC, NEA-BC, Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer
  • David Biggerstaff, MHA, Vice President, Chief Operating Officer
  • Alwin F. Steinmann, M.D., FACP, Chief of Academic Medicine
  • Caitlin Pride, Vice President, Mission Integration
  • Troy Stoehr, MBA, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
  • Jason L. Gaines, Vice President, Strategy and Business Development
  • Leslie McKay, Executive Director, Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation


In 1873, Mother Xavier Ross of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Kansas, sent four Sisters to establish a hospital with only nine dollars and the challenge that the Sisters "look forward for what good there is yet to be." The Sisters opened their hospital in a cottage at the intersection of 14th Avenue and Arapahoe Street, but soon moved to a brick building at 26th Avenue and Holladay Street (later renamed Market Street). Since this was a short distance from Denver's red light district, many Denver residents mentioned that it was a questionable neighborhood for a hospital. "We'll take the question out of the neighborhood," replied one of the Sisters.

During the early years, the hospital was known as Saint Vincent's. This was changed to Saint Joseph in 1876 when the Sisters began construction at 18th Avenue and Humboldt Street on land donated to them by territorial Governor William Gilpin. This site was directly adjacent to the hospital's present location. Construction of the administration building began in 1899. Led by flour baron John K. Mullen, the people of Denver raised $10,000 for this building with a "gigantic city-wide bazaar," and a "monster" euchre (whist) party, planned by none other than Mrs. J. J. "The Unsinkable Molly" Brown.

In 1961, ground was broken for the hospital's iconic twin towers structure. In 2014, Saint Joseph Hospital completed its new, state-of-the-art facility located at 1375 E. 19th Avenue and Downing Street in Denver. Featuring some of the most advanced treatment technologies, environmentally-friendly design and person-centered accommodations for patients and visitors, the new Saint Joseph Hospital continues the 140-year tradition of high-quality, affordable healthcare in Denver.

If you'd like more information about Saint Joseph Hospital, visit the Saint Joseph Hospital Archives page here.

In 2014, Saint Joseph Hospital and National Jewish Health entered into a joint operating agreement to provide inpatient and outpatient care together in Colorado. The collaborative care model brought together two leading healthcare organizations with complementary cultures, missions and dedication to excellence to focus on providing the best care possible.

As clinical partners, both organizations value the profound impact research has on the understanding and treatment of human disease. Both have outstanding and complementary teaching programs, and together, are maximizing the capabilities of both institutions to foster collaboration and excellence in patient care.

pediatrician examining child patient

Magnet accredited for nursing excellence and quality patient care, one of the highest national honors

More about us

Gift shop information

Main Floor Gift Shop (near the Café)

Open 7 days a week: Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm and Saturday & Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm

Phone: 303-812-3465

Baby Joe's Gift Shop (4th Floor)

Open Monday-Friday 10:00am-3:00pm

Phone: 303-812-3467

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