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LDS Hospital

  • About

Bariatric surgery

  • Bariatric surgery

We offer exceptional care whenever you require it. Whether it's routine check-ups or urgent interventions for bariatric conditions, our specialized team is dedicated to addressing your needs.

Our committed team of bariatric surgeons, nurses specialized in bariatric care, dietitians, psychologists, pharmacists, care coordinators, and other experts collaborate to provide advanced treatments and tailored care. Our comprehensive approach ensures that we partner with you and your family to address your unique health needs on your weight loss journey.

Live your best life

Excess weight impacts life & mental well-being. Our bariatric surgery comes with ongoing support for enduring success.

Disease prevention

We will work with you to develop a plan to prevent disease from taking hold

Holistic treatment

We take into account your whole health and goals when we develop a weight loss plan

Supporting you

Before and after surgery, we're here for you

Our bariatric surgery providers ( undefined )

Provider data unavailable