Featured Services

Back hip pain

Spinal Joint Pain

When your spinal joints hurt it can make moving and twisting a big problem. Find out what options are available to get your mobility back.


Back Pain

Whether you suffer from upper or lower back pain we can help diagnose it and provide treatment.



Compression fractures may cause severe stabbing back pain or numbness in your limbs. Find out how we treat and diagnose fractures.


Neck Pain

Many people suffer from neck pain and never get it evaluated by a professional. We can help diagnose and treat many forms of neck pain.


Pain Management

Spinal pain can keep you from your daily routine and prevent you from doing the things you love. We offer many forms of pain management to get you back to your life in no time.

All Services, Treatments, and Detection Methods

Acute Back Pain

Pain the back or neck area can be acute, which comes on suddenly and intensely.

Back Pain

Back Pain includes upper, mid or lower back pain that occurs in the midline.

Caudal Steroid Injection

A caudal injection is an injection into the lowest portion of the epidural space. 

Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical radiculopathy affects your neck and can cause pain, weakness, and numbness.

Chronic back pain

Chronic back pain ranges from mild to disabling, and can last for weeks, months, or years.


Coccydynia is pain in or around the tailbone and the cause is most often unknown.

Compression Fractures of the Spine

A compression fracture of the spine is a type of fracture that affects bones in your back.

Costovertebral Block

A costovertebral block uses local anesthetic to treat the source of pain.

CT Scans

CT scans are special X-ray tests that produce cross-sectional images of the body.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease involves changes in your spinal discs as you age.

Disc Herniation

A herniated, slipped, or ruptured disk is when there is damage to discs in your vertebrae.


An epiduroscopy examines the epidural space in order to diagnose and treat spinal pain.

Facet Joint Injections

Facet joint injections are used to alleviate symptoms of facet joint syndrome.

Facet Joint Syndrome

Facet joint syndrome occurs when cartilage in the spinal facet joints deteriorates.

Fascia Iliaca Block

A fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB) is a simple block for post-operative pain relief.


Fluoroscopy is a study of real-time X-Ray imaging of moving body structures.

Herniated Discs

A herniated disk is a problem with the disks between the vertebrae that make up your spine.

Imaging Services

Imaging services include Ultrasound, X-ray, and many other imaging technologies.

Injection Therapy

Injection therapy uses therapeutic injections to treat acute and chronic pain.


Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine measuring 50 degrees or greater.

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be caused by problems with spinal muscles, nerves, bones, or discs.

Lumbar Disc Disease

Lumbar disc disease occurs in the lower back area, in the bony segments and disks.

Medial Branch Block

A medial branch block is an injection of strong local anesthetic to relieve pain.


Myelography is a type of radiographic exam used to evaluate spinal cord problems.


Myelopathy refers to the inflammation or neurological deficit of spinal cord nerves.

Neck Pain

Neck pain can be acute or chronic, and range from mild to disabling pain.


We provide high-quality care for brain, spine, and nervous system conditions.

Pain Management

Pain management services include pain management plans tailored to patient needs.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction is the pain in the sacroiliac joint region.

Spinal Pain

Spinal pain occurs when some type of fracture to the spine.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal narrows and pinches the nerves.


The spine is a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back.


Cervical spondylosis is a type of arthritis that compresses discs and affects your neck.


Whiplash is an injury to the neck caused by bending forcibly forward and backward.