The thigh lift procedure, also called an inner thigh lift or thighplasty, is used to tighten loose hanging skin over the thighs and upper knees. This procedure reduces excess skin and reshapes the thighs. It drastically improves the contours of the thighs and lower body. It also helps to smooth the skin.

There are several methods for thighplasty surgery. An inner thigh lift is best for individuals with a moderate amount of skin and fat, and the incision is hidden in the groin fold. A vertical thighplasty has an incision from the groin crease to the inner knee, and the surgeon removes a wedge from the inner thigh. This is best for those with more significant amounts of skin and fat. An outer thigh lift is the most extensive and the incision starts at the groin and goes around the hip.

This procedure is common after massive weight loss, since excessive skin on the thighs is common. It may also be ideal for people whose thigh tissue has begun to sag significantly over time. Thigh lifts are sometimes performed as part of a lower body lift.

This operation is performed in a surgical center under general anesthesia. Your surgeon will discuss expected outcomes, possible complications, and which method is best for you at your consultation.