Acne is a skin condition where the skin’s hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil. Those pores can turn into whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and even cysts. In the U.S., acne is the most common skin condition, affecting 50 million people a year. Intermountain Southern Utah Plastic Surgery providers treat acne in patients of all ages because acne affects a wide age span, from pre-teens, teens and adults into their 40s.

What is acne treatment?

At Intermountain Southern Utah Plastic Surgery, we offer various modalities for acne treatments including topical and oral medications, chemical peels, advanced skin care products, laser treatments for hyperpigmented lesions, resurfacing of acne scars, and laser hair removal to prevent acne around hair follicles. We also offer complete excisions under general or local anesthesia for acne scars, depending on the severity. While most people will outgrow acne, many will continue developing acne into adulthood; it can be a lifelong problem. When scarring occurs, especially acne scars on the face, it can be quite noticeable.

How is it done?

The type of treatment you need to get rid of acne scars depends on many factors. The severity and local of the acne determine treatment.

Acne scars can be treated with many different methods depending on severity, amount, and location. Some acne scars extend down to the deeper tissue underneath the top layer of skin. This is referred to as dermal tethering, where the scar connects through underlying tissue. Facial fillers can be used to prevent the scar from tethering.

What can acne treatment not do?

No acne treatment is a quick fix. Topical acne creams and oral acne medication can take four weeks to begin working. Results from skin surfacing procedures like chemical peels and laser hair removal are much quicker, though there is a recovery period. Many dermatologists don’t offer the same major skin resurfacing as a plastic surgeon.