Primary Children's Hospital - Salt Lake City

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mother and daughter hugging

Coronary Anomaly Program (CAP)

at Primary Children's Hospital

heart model

Through comprehensive coordination of care among Heart Caregivers, our Anomalous Coronary Artery Repair program greatly improves quality of life for children of all ages diagnosed with a coronary anomaly. We are a skilled team of multidisciplinary caregivers who have worked together to create an enhanced protocol of care for these children, greatly increasing our medicine and surgical outcomes. The program strongly emphasizes family-centered education to provide recommendations and risks and benefits about treatment options along the way that will shape the best decision for each child. The conditions we treat, include, but are not limited to:

  • Anomalous origin of the coronary artery
  • Anomalous left from the pulmonary artery
  • Kawasaki’s disease or coronary artery aneurisms
  • Coronary artery fistulas
  • Acquired congenital coronary insufficiencies
A stillframe from the Vascular Team video

What sets us apart

Our expertise in advanced cardiac imaging in addition to the multidisciplinary approach provides excellent outcomes in surgical interventions, transcatheter interventions, and/ or proactive medical management and surveillance. Moreover, we partner with our center’s cardiac fitness program to safely have children return to physical activities. We also maintain a consistent and regularly scheduled collaborative conference in which many different caregivers contribute to designing an individualized approach for each child. Lastly, we are deeply committed to broadening the education of these anomalies and advancing our program’s medical approaches by partnering with both University of Utah and Intermountain Medical teams as well as stay active within nationally recognized research and quality improvement collaboratives.

What to expect

Our pediatric cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons will likely recommend noninvasive, advanced cardiac imaging to carefully diagnose and better understand the heart problem.  Following this imaging, the team will have a better understanding of treatment plans.

Refer a patient or child for a consult:

To refer a patient, please complete the attached document and send to  Within 48 hours, one of our outreach coordinators or nurse navigators will be in touch.  We will closely partner with all primary care physicians, referring providers, and other care team providers to ensure seamless integration and care treatment before and after interventions.