
The Medical Library is staffed and open to the public 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. After-hours access is available only to Primary Children's staff and clinicians.


The library is located on the basement level of the Primary Children's Eccles Outpatient Services building. 

Library Collections

  • Medical textbook and print journal collections can be found in our Online Catalog.
  • An electronic resources collection of databases and full-text journals is available in the Clinical Library located on Intermountain.net.
  • Registration is required for check out of all library materials from the print collections.


The library staff will find information on requested topics. This usually involves finding appropriate sections in textbooks, performing literature searches in various databases to find journal articles and searching the Internet.

Fax Machine

There is no charge for use of the fax machine by staff. The fax number is (801) 662-1393. Instructions are posted on the fax machine in the library.


Staff may use the copier without charge if it is work related. Families may use the copier without charge for anything related to their child's care. For personal copying, the cost is five cents per page. Please pay one of the library staff directly.