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We provide more in-depth mental health treatment if you seek further support beyond the traditional outpatient experience, but don’t need to be hospitalized.
Our mental health intensive outpatient program (MH-IOP) offers more intensive treatment than standard outpatient psychotherapy, without having to stay in hospital.
We show you how to develop a better understanding of your thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and any associated behaviors.
Learn new skills to help you deal with moments of crisis and emotional distress, as well as better communicate your needs to others.
We use group sessions where you learn new coping skills, complemented by individual sessions to help you apply those skills.
5770 S 250 E Ste 300 Murray, UT 84107
(801) 314-2500
Open Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m, closed weekends
Find detailed answers to FAQs about our mental health intensive outpatient program (MH-IOP) so you can make informed decisions about your healthcare.