Navigating Change
Monthly tip for February
Life often brings periods of change—new goals, activities, routines, seasons, or even jobs! Change is always a constant in life. An important thing to remember is that change, and transition are not the same. Change is a quick, impersonal shift in external circumstances. Transition is the slow, personal psychological re-orientation to change. The transition is the key emotional component. Everyone moves through change differently, and if we honor each person’s unique journey and listen to their concerns, we can reach the ultimate goal of movement towards the new change.
Seven transition tips when navigating change:
- Transitions take longer than you think.
- You must end before you can begin.
- Remember it is a transition, not a personal rejection.
- People do transitions differently. (So do work groups.)
- The goal is movement. You can’t stay stuck.
- Transitions are developmental and can be a source of renewal.
- Transitions can be fun when we do them together!