
Culmination Bio is an Intermountain Healthcare company. We collaborate with commercial partners, including leading technology and biopharmaceutical companies, to provide novel clinical insights, therapeutic targets, diagnostic opportunities, and care process models. Our exclusive Culmination intelligence database is informed by diverse, multi-dimensional, longitudinal clinical data and matched biospecimens. The ability to provide or produce omics-level data makes the Culmination intelligence platform an extraordinarily powerful insights engine for medical research, health data, and healthcare services.

Examples of Culmination Services:

  1. Real world evidence generation: obtaining real world evidence to understand the performance of diagnostics and therapeutics is a core component of the Culmination intelligence database.
  2. Novel Discovery: the Culmination intelligence platform includes more than ten thousand data points per case and represents a robust environment for the interrogation of data to identify diagnostic development opportunities.
  3. Omics data: millions of biospecimens in the Culmination biorepository offer omics-level data generation, including: WGS, WTS, WES, proteomics and other just-in-time omics analyses.