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Brain and spine care

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A caregiver reviews a chart with a female patient

Multiple sclerosis

Using the latest technology and innovative techniques, we diagnose and treat multiple sclerosis and other conditions affecting the connection between your nervous and immune system.

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Expert neurologic care tailored to you

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and conditions that affect the connection between your nervous immune system can make you feel like you’re no longer in control of your body. With 1:1 visits with a neurologist, we provide personalized and comprehensive neurologic care.

Monitoring and management

At Intermountain Health, we leverage the latest techniques in monitoring and managing the progression of MS

A collaborative approach

We adopt a team-based approach, integrating both innovative and established therapies to deliver the best possible care

Advancing research

Our doctors lead and utilize cutting-edge MS care advancements through clinical trials and research


Advancing the treatment and care of MS

MS care involves a multidisciplinary approach aimed at managing symptoms, slowing disease progression, and improving quality of life

  • Disease-Modifying Therapies (DMTs)

  • Symptom Management

  • Neurorehabilitation

  • Pain Management

  • Assistive Devices and Mobility Aids

  • Regular Monitoring and Disease Management

  • Clinical Trials and Research

  • Education and Support

Timothy West, MD
Meet your team

Meet Timothy West, MD

Meet Timothy West, a friendly neurologist at Intermountain Health, dedicated to providing exceptional care by listening to his patient's health concerns and understanding their backgrounds. Motivated by his experience with loved ones who have neurological diseases, Dr. West is eager to educate patients on the medical advancements in treating diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS) so they can live their healthiest lives possible

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