What is hip flexor tendinopathy?

  • The hip flexors are muscles in the front of your thigh that help you lift your leg and knee. These muscles are also called the iliopsoas.
  • Tendons are tough cords that attach muscles to bones.
  • Tendinopathy is a persistent injury or disease that affects a tendon.


Hip flexor tendinopathy causes pain and tenderness in the front of your hip. The pain might be worse when you bend your hip. Your hip or groin area may feel sore to the touch. You might also hear or feel a click or snap if the tendon rubs across your hip bone as you walk. 


Hip flexor tendinopathy can be caused by repetitive stress or overuse, such as too much running or bicycling. It also can be caused by a sudden injury, such as a fall or other type of trauma. 

When to See a Doctor

See your doctor if you have ongoing pain in your hip or groin. An exam may be needed to conform or rule out hip flexor tendinopathy.

Diagnosis & Tests

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history and examine your hip. Imaging tests, such as x-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs), usually are not necessary.   


Hip flexor tendinopathy often is treated as follows: 

  • Rest. Take a break from your usual activities so that your muscles and tendons get a break. 
  • Ice. Putting an icepack on your hip for 10-15 minutes 3 to 4 times a day can help decrease pain and swelling. Do not put ice directly on your skin. 
  • Pain relievers, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen, if recommended by your doctor, may help reduce pain and inflammation. If the pain persists, you an injection of a medicine called a corticosteroid may be recommended to help with pain. 

In rare cases, surgery might be needed. 


You can help prevent hip flexor tendinopathy by: 

  • Warming up and stretching before exercise 
  • Working out regularly, instead of just on the weekends or only once in a while 
  • Training for a new sport or activity by gradually increasing the length and intensity of your workouts 
  • Stopping any activity that causes pain 
  • Not pushing yourself beyond your limits while exercising 

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