In this Article

Your Baby

In week 2, the uterine lining begins to thicken again. A surge of hormones from the brain prompts ovulation, the release of a mature egg from one of your ovaries. This egg, which contains all of the mother's genetic instructions, is smaller than the dot on the lowercase letter i. The egg is drawn into the Fallopian tube by the moving, fingerlike projections on the end of the tube.

Your Body

You may notice a few changes around the time of ovulation, such as breast tenderness and an increase in cervical fluid. Some women report a heightened sense of taste and smell and a stronger sex drive.

About 1 in 5 women have “mittelschmerz” — a pain on one side of the lower abdomen. Mittelschmerz, German for “middle pain,” happens midway through your cycle and is associated with the release of an egg from one of your ovaries.

Healthy Tip

Because some germs and contaminants in food can harm an unborn baby, start practicing safe food habits now.

  • Cook all meat and chicken thoroughly.
  • Peel or wash fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat only pasteurized cheeses.
  • Don't eat raw fish, shellfish, or any large “predatory” fish such as shark, swordfish, or king mackerel.