Runners tend to be very committed and self-motivated once they set their mind to something, especially their run training. But what about goals that affect other areas of your life, or even other modes of training that may help you perform better on race day? If you think you have some improvements to make, here’s a practical strategy that may help you become a better you in the new year.
12 tips to enhance your running effectiveness
12 tips to enhance your running effectiveness
minute read
A simple strategy with three key steps
- Try to view your goals as life improvements and new habits rather than just a lengthy list of goals.
- Tackle the items on your list one at a time. The narrower your focus, the greater your chance of success.
- Pick up one fresh habit a month. Remember, it takes most people 21 days to develop a new habit. Focus those 21 days on your single goal, and when a new month arrives, move on to your next goal.
Month 1: Let the past go.
One thing about runners is we don’t let things go easily. We remember training plans, miles of running, successful and not-so-successful races, and the hard work it takes to train. Keep this thought in mind: It’s a new year, or a new month — a new book with empty pages to fill, right? Whether you’re facing previous expectations or miles you feel you need to make up, let it go! You don’t owe anything to past training plans or “unsuccessful” races. Start fresh — and start again.
Month 2: Get your sleep.
Month 3: Change up your workouts.
Month 4: Practice mindfulness.
This month take time to focus on one thing at a time. When you’re visiting with your family, turn off the electronics. While you’re eating, take time to enjoy the food and savor the flavors. Put down your phone as you walk and smile at those passing by. Mentally prepare for your workout before you start. Enjoy the scenery around you. Ponder what you can do and make a conscious effort to be more focused in the days ahead.
Month 5: Manage stress.
Month 6: Eat more fruits and veggies.
Do you find it difficult to get in all those fruit and vegetable servings every day? We know we need them. Our training improves and we feel better when we eat well. This month make it a goal to get in all your fruits and vegetables each day. Maybe you can make smoothies, eat more salad with lunch and dinner, or get items you’ve never tried before. Your body will love the nutrients.
Month 7: Experience life rather than things.
I've heard that people who DO things are happier than people who BUY things. This month I’m encouraging you to test that theory. You could be as elaborate as planning a full-scale vacation or as simple as going on hike to someplace you’ve never been. For the next 30 days, consciously think of things you’ve been wanting to do and make them happen.
Month 8: Drink all your water.
Month 9: Change up your training.
Doing the same thing over and over will lead to slowed or no progress in training. Try cross training to work your muscles in different ways or hit muscles you miss in your day-to-day workouts. Have you always wanted to try pilates? Start this month. What have you wanted to do and what can you do to switch up your workouts?
Month 10: Control your portion sizes.
Month 11: Learn something new.
If it’s been a while since you tried a new activity, what are you waiting for? Take up pottery, dance classes, rock climbing, skiing, martial arts, or even yoga. A new hobby is something you can try with your family too. Find something you haven’t done, plan to do it, and get out. You may just find your next favorite hobby.
Month 12: Be grateful.
In a society flooded with social media, it’s easy to drown ourselves in a state of self-pity, unhealthy comparisons, ingratitude, and depression. Social media shows us all the highlights of our peers, but not the struggles they face. This month take time to ponder the blessings you have. Write down at least one thing you’re grateful for each day. When you notice yourself feeling down or inadequate, let that signal you to remember what you have. If you struggle through a workout, remember how lucky you are to be able to freely move your body. There’s always something to be grateful for.
Whenever you start, take time each month to develop a new habit. Then, at the end of your 12-month challenge, you’ll see what you’ve accomplished — and my guess is, you’ll not only be a better runner, but you’ll have a better life.