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    5 foods to Build a Superfood Lunch

    5 foods to Build a Superfood Lunch

    SuperFood lunch
    ​Include These 5 foods to Build a “Superfood” Lunch: 

    • Got Calcium?  Good sources of foods high in vitamin D and calcium include 1% or skim milk, flavored milk, yogurt and kefir. Also include dark green leafy vegetables for non-dairy sources of foods rich calcium and magnesium. 
    • Got Fiber?  High fiber food choices are whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and barley. Beans, legumes, lentils, chickpeas, and nuts are also great sources of fiber.
    • Got Veggies?For non-starchy vegetables, add fresh crisp veggies such as carrots, snap peas, green beans and broccoli to you lunch.
    • Got Fruit? Fresh frui​ts are always a good way to add fiber and antioxidants with kiwi, clementines, mixed berries, and apples always being a big hit for children and adults. 
    • Got Protein? For rich protein sources, go for chicken, turkey, tofu, hummus, eggs, or nut spreads.
    What superfoods do you put in your lunches? Visit our Weight to Health nutrition​ page to learn more on healthy eating.