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    5 Ways to Turn Your Child Into a Reader

    5 Ways to Turn Your Child Into a Reader

    How to Turn Your Child Into a Reader

    Experts and parents know reading is a crucial part of any child’s education. Your child’s future depends a lot on their reading ability —but it’s nearly impossible for your child to learn all they need to know about reading at school. You’ll need to help turn your child into a reader.

    The good news: Whether you’re a parent who loves books or you’ve struggled with reading too, you can turn your child into a reader. These five strategies can help your child love reading.

    Be an example

    Even if you love reading, it may be hard to find the time to indulge in a book. If you want your kids to be readers, you need to find the time to set the example. Let your child see you reading regularly. Talk to them about the books you’re reading and why you’re reading them. Reading isn’t your thing? Maybe it’s time to give it another try. The more you read, the more likely your child will read too.

    Read to them

    Reading to your child is perhaps the most important key to raising a reader. Start from the time they’re babies. Read books to them before bed. Listen to audiobooks in the car. Read chapter books together, even after they’re reading on their own. Reading to your children will prepare them to learn to read, strengthen your bond together, teach them about their world, and help build their imagination.

    Visit the library often

    The library is a place that’s dedicated to reading. In the library, your child can find books they love to bring home. They can explore the types of books they like. Most libraries also have dedicated reading times and programs that will help encourage kids to read. When you visit the library often, your child will be exposed to reading and books on a regular basis.

    Surround them with books they like

    Most kids who don’t like to read simply haven’t found books they like. Take some time to search out the types of books that will get your child excited. Although some kids like a regular chapter book, other kids may prefer informational books or even comic books. As long as it’s encouraging reading, don’t dismiss your child’s favorite types of books. Bring them home from the library. Fill your house with them. When books your child likes are readily available, they’ll read more often. And when it comes to reading, quantity certainly matters. The more your child reads, the better they’ll get, and the more they’ll learn to love it.

    Don't give up

    Some kids take to reading quickly and easily. Other kids will struggle to really enjoy reading. Don’t give up. Just because your child doesn’t immediately love reading doesn’t mean you can’t still encourage reading. If your child avoids reading, try honing into what they like. For example: If your son loves sports, pick up some books on sports or help them read magazine articles about their favorite athlete. Tune into what your child really loves and feed them information about their interests in the form of the written word. Writing can also be an effective way to encourage reading. Have your child help you write to-do lists, write notes to each other, or start a journal.

    Turning your child into a reader doesn’t happen in a month or even a year. It takes continual effort. The more your child reads, the more they’ll love reading.