Advanced Trauma Care at Intermountain Proves Lifesaving for John Ames

Advanced Trauma Care at Intermountain Proves Lifesaving for John Ames


A Washington County search-and-rescue team carefully navigated the difficult terrain where John fell, strapped him to a body board, and lowered him 195 feet to where Intermountain’s Life Flight helicopter was waiting (it had come from its base at Dixie Regional Medical Center).

Once they got John to the ground, he was on the helicopter and to the hospital in less than 10 minutes.

Orthopedic trauma surgeon Warren Butterfield, MD, sees great benefit for patients who are able to remain close to home for treatment and recovery. When patients are injured, they’re under a lot of physical and emotional stress. Their family, friends, and social support become very important to their recovery.

At Dixie Regional, Dr. Butterfield repaired the serious breaks in John’s pelvis and lower back. Prior to Dr. Butterfield’s arrival, patients with pelvic fractures were sent to another trauma center.

John is now back to working full-time and is living an active outdoor lifestyle. He says he will be forever grateful to Intermountain Healthcare, Dixie Regional Medical Center, and gracious donations from the community for providing these services here.

Read and watch John’s story at

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