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    An Innovative Heart Procedure for Linda

    An Innovative Heart Procedure for Linda


    Linda has a congenital heart defect, which left her feeling run down and her heart working extra hard. Last July, she was rushed to the ER at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center—her heart could no longer push enough blood through her aortic valve, and she was too weak to undergo open-heart surgery. Linda was transferred to the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute, where she underwent Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), a minimally invasive procedure.

    Physicians at the Intermountain Heart Institute were the first in Utah to implant the first generation of the device in 2009. Today, the Heart Institute’s team of four cardiologists and five cardiovascular surgeons has completed more than 600 TAVR procedures. Linda received the state’s first third-generation version of the device after FDA approval.

    Reach and watch Linda’s story at

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