The article, “Now and Then: How Intermountain Helps Its Superutilizers,” interviewed Brent James, and also Scott Pingree, director of strategic planning at Intermountain, about the leadership as Intermountain moves toward Shared Accountability. The article highlighted the utilization of data in predictive modeling which helped in the creation of several cost-saving programs.
“Through James’ leadership and Intermountain’s comprehensive analytics division were born two pilot programs on data analytics: the Comprehensive Care Clinic (CCC) and Community Care Management (CCM). The genesis of both programs began in the mid-2000s, when James was leading a strategic planning committee for a major initiative, Shared Accountability, just as accountable care organizations (ACOs) were coming into fashion,” from the IH Executive article.
“As healthcare reform rolls forward and provider incentives move toward fixed payments, these high-cost and high-utilizing patients will become will become the five-alarm for all care providers for one simple reason: There will be no commensurate revenue offset. In the foreseeable future, what was once a profitable or break-even proposition will become a significant financial liability, according to Pingree. The team mapped out all the care these patients received over a five-year period, including the dates and venues of care. James says they looked for opportunities to improve the continuity of care,” from the IH Executive article.
You can read the entire article at the IH Executive website. Learn more about Intermountain’s Shared Accountability.