Health 360

    Miscarriage: The Silent but Common Journey

    Miscarriage: The Silent but Common Journey


    What happens next?

    Dealing with the sadness and facing reality is difficult enough, but many women also have to make an informed decision with their provider on the next steps. Will my body miscarry on its own? Will I need medication to help the miscarriage continue? Will I need a D&C (dilation and curation) procedure? All options can seem scary and there are pros and cons with each choice. Sometimes one option is necessary based on your individual circumstances – how far along you are, if you are already experiencing miscarriage symptoms, or how high your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are. Your OB/GYN or midwife can help you make the best decision for you and your body and support you through the healing process.

    After miscarriage.

    The sadness after miscarriage doesn’t go away immediately. It comes and goes as you go through different life experiences. You will see frequent reminders of your loss – a friend announces a pregnancy, you see a newborn, you start your period again. The physical symptoms of pregnancy will pass after a few weeks. Lean on friends and family for support with the emotional symptoms and sadness. It’s completely normal and healthy to grieve. Take time to grieve the loss of your baby and future plans. Your provider can help you determine when you can start trying to conceive again if that is your plan.

    Although it doesn’t take the pain away, remember that you are not alone in your suffering. Miscarriages are very common. It is okay to talk about it and stop the silence.