Care for yourself so you can continue to care for others — be careful both in and away from work

Use the same caution away from work as you do while you're working with patients.

Most of the COVID-19 cases among Intermountain caregivers aren’t work related — caregivers are catching the virus outside of work. Please take care of yourself and wear masks even while you’re out and away from your work setting. Exercise the same care and caution as you do when interacting with patients and co-workers.

Follow these guidelines to keep each other safe:

  1. Wear a mask to protect yourself, co-workers, friends, and family whenever you’re around other people.
  2. Maintain proper physical distancing at work and during activities outside of work settings, especially indoor activities, even when wearing a mask.
  3. Use good personal hygiene including handwashing, avoiding face touching, and cleaning surfaces shared by multiple people.

Follow the same guidelines when you’re at work. You should always wear a mask when at work and when you’re near anyone, not just patients. Ensure you’re physically distanced at least six feet away from others when eating.

If you’re sick, don’t come to work. Please stay home and call Ask HR to assess your exposures, symptoms, and to get tested. If you’re feeling ill, prioritize your health and get checked out. 

Care for yourself so you can continue to care for others.

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