Complete your LiVe Well requirements by September 30 to keep 2021 premiums low


The end of quarter 3 is fast-approaching, which means now’s a good time to complete your LiVe Well requirements if you haven’t already. If at least 50 percent of caregivers participate each quarter, we’ll only see a 4 percent increase on our insurance premiums next year. So far only 32 percent of caregivers have completed the requirements this quarter.

Here are the four things you need to do this year (and you must do something different each quarter):

  1. Record your biometrics
  2. Complete a LiVe Well module
  3. Complete the health assessment (through Virgin Pulse)
  4. Complete a Virgin Pulse step challenge or 10,000 Steps challenge (must track steps)

Recording your biometrics would be easy to do in the few remaining days of the quarter. You can use biometric data collected by your primary care doctor any time in the last year OR you can collect the numbers on your own.

You only need to collect three of the recommended biometrics and you can take many of these measurements yourself. For example:

  1. You can measure your height and weight to get your BMI (convert to BMI here).
  2. Here’s how to get your waist circumference.
  3. You can take your blood pressure at home (if you have a machine) or at your local pharmacy.
  4. Body fat percentage can be measured on an at home machine, if you have one (some scales also measure body fat percentage).
  5. Blood glucose can be taken with an at home machine, if you have one. 

To record your completion, visit the rewards tracker, click the biometrics icon and enter your completion date and what you learned that will help you LiVe Well moving forward. Don’t forget to hit submit.

Help us keep our premiums low in 2021 by completing steps 1-2-3 on your LiVe Well Rewards tracker by September 30. See below for what the difference in premiums will mean next year.

Health Plan Premium Increases Per Pay Period

(single coverage / family coverage)

Plan Type

Scenario 1:

We hit our LiVe Well goal

Scenario 2:

We DON’T hit our LiVe Well goal

Additional Cost

per Pay Period

Additional Cost

per Year


$750 Med

$2.86 / $7.14

$5.00 / $12.50

$2.14 / $5.36

$55.64 / $139.36


$750 Share

$2.88 / $7.20

$4.81 / $11.46

$1.93 / $4.26

$50.18 / $110.76


HealthSave Med

$1.08 / $2.70

$4.58 / $11.46

$3.50 / $8.76

$91.00 / $227.76


HealthSave Share

$0.90 / $2.26

$4.06 / $10.14

$3.16 / $7.88

$82.16 / $204.88


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