Intermountain offers medical standby services at Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in Las Vegas

Rock n Roll marathon image Melissa Vogt
Dr. Audrey Sue Cruz, Dr. Tom Serbousek, Dr. Saira Asadullah, Melissa Vogt, and Dr. Roy Perlot

Intermountain caregivers played the important role of providing medical standby services at the 2022 Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon last month in Las Vegas. Caregivers joined the Raiderettes, showgirl fixtures, and Strip entertainers to cheer on participants.

Rakesh Kalra Marathon-cropped

Rakesh Kalra, MD

The marathon returned this year after a two-year hiatus prompted by the pandemic and drew 35,000 runners from all backgrounds and experience levels. More than 90% of runners came from outside Nevada and there were memorable stories of runners running after cancer remission and others running to raise money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

“It was a privilege to represent Intermountain as the official medical group for the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon, and it was a lot of fun,” says Ellen Aliberti, RN. “I was at Mile 3 medical tent, so we didn’t have any major injuries, but we did a lot of cheering for the runners and passed out some very salty Gatorade.”

The marathon ended with no major injuries, but caregivers were glad they could be there just in case.

“It was inspiring to see the runners and a great opportunity to help the runners with their medical needs,” says Rakesh Kalra, MD.

IMH Volunteer for RnR-cropped

Alice Velasquez-Leon, NP, and her daughter, Bella

Alice Velasquez-Leon, NP, volunteered at the marathon with her daughter Bella.

“This was such an amazing experience,” says Alice. “Having the opportunity to get out in the community and provide medical service to the Rock 'N' Roll runners was very fulfilling.”

Alice also encourages others to volunteer next year. “10 out of 10! I would do this again,” she says.

“[It was] a lot of fun, and participants were so grateful for our presence on the route,” Ellen says.

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