Intermountain Rehabilitation Services

Care To Help You Heal

We help you make a full recovery following surgery, pain, or injury. Our providers use a team approach and advanced technology to help you get back to your life.

Coordinated care

Team approach

Experienced providers

Convenient locations

Rehabilitation Programs

Rehabilitation Services

A Care Team Centered Around You

Crisis Intervention Social Workers

Your Crisis Intervention Social Workers plays a key role in your journey.

These team members provide support and guidance to patients in a mental health crisis. They also help patients transition back into the community safely after treatment.


Your Psychiatrist plays a key role in your journey.

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that specializes in mental health, including substance use disorders. They assess the mental and physical aspects of behavioral health.

Referring Providers

Intermountain’s Rehabilitation Services are multidisciplinary in nature and are patient-centric, making the individual an important part of his or her own care team. Individualized plans are created, using a team approach, and focused on the individual, tailored to their conditions and their desired outcomes. When you refer to Intermountain Rehabilitation, you can be comfortable in knowing your patient is receiving care from experienced providers, with strict attention to convenience, value, and outcomes-driven practices.

Expanded Care

We offer reconstructive and cosmetic surgery that can repair or re-shape your body. We also offer non-surgical cosmetic treatments in a safe, supervised setting. Our team has a deep level of expertise, with proven processes and excellent outcomes.


Bringing Intermountain Healthcare to you at home.

Bringing Our Expertise To You

Homecare’s clinicians are specifically trained to deliver care in the home environment and utilize other Intermountain services as needed for the patient’s treatment.

Helping You Heal at Home

Intermountain Homecare brings support and treatment to patients allowing them to be in the environment where they want to be, in their own home.