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McKay-Dee Medical Office Building

  • Services

Sleep center

This department offers

  • Sleep medicine

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Ask the Expert

Ask the Expert is an event hosted by KUTV News and Intermountain Healthcare. The day-long program features experts sharing advice on various health topics every second Tuesday of the month.

Yoga for bedtime
Wellness and preventative medicine

Try Bedtime Yoga For Less Stress And Better Sleep

Yoga helps calm the body, slow the breath, focus on the present and prepare for sleep.


5 Tips for a Better Night's Sleep

Nothing feels better than a good night’s sleep. Where and how you sleep, your sleep habits, and even the type of mattress and pillow will give you an edge.

Apps That Can Help You Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Apps That Can Help You Get A Good Nights Sleep

Sleep-tracking apps on your phone or other smart devices can help keep track of your sleeping cycles and patterns. Here are a few to check out.

10 Drinks to Help You Sleep

10 Drinks to Help You Sleep at Night

10 Drinks to Help You Sleep at Night

A Bedtime Stretching Routine to Help You Sleep Better

3 Simple Stretches to Help You Sleep Better

Following a basic stretching routine just before bedtime will not only enhance your flexibility, but also relax and clear your mind to prepare you for some deep sleep.


5 Tips for CPAP Success

5 Tips for CPAP Success


What is Sleep Apnea and Why is it a Concern?

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder that disrupts an individual’s rest. During periods of sleep, you actually stop breathing, sometimes missing hundreds of breaths of oxygen – oxygen your body and brain desperately need. If left untreated, it and can cause serious health concerns.


8 to LiVe by Sleep and Support

There are lots of things you can do to have more energy, feel stronger, and stay at a healthy weight. We have talked previously about Food and Activity: now we will focus on Sleep and Support!


5 Ways to Get More Sleep

5 Ways to Get More Sleep

How Poor Sleep Affects Your Physical And Mental Health

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to getting enough z’s at night.

4 Sleep Tips That Are Better Than Counting Sheep

4 Sleep Tips That Are Better Than Counting Sheep

Counting sheep isn’t working. Let’s take a look at what might.